quarta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2021

Retiro Journey Into Your Heart 18-20 Março 2022 ~ Tomar



Neste Retiro, Journey Into Your Heart, centramo-nos no coração de cada um. A nossa abordagem vai de encontro a esta área da vida, recorrendo a ferramentas como a dança, a respiração, trabalho corporal, dinâmicas de grupo, meditações em movimento, cerimónia de cacau e círculos de partilha. Tudo nos irá fazer sentir e vibrar com mais profundidade este aspeto da nossa vida: o coração, o centro das nossas emoções e sentimentos perante a vida e o outro.
Vem celebrar connosco estes dois dias, permitindo que este trabalho possa contribuir para a tua vida como mais um passo do teu desenvolvimento pessoal.
Começamos na 6ª feira ao fim do dia e terminamos no domingo ao fim do dia.
Sobre os Facilitadores:
Krisztina Sebők Bizarro
Collecting professional experiences as working in multinational companies responsible for Human Resources and Organization Development, her deep interest has gradually been turned towards Transpersonal Development. 
Touched by the Sacred Medicines of the Amazon for some years, her intention became to follow the Shamanic Way of Life to realize her highest potential as a human being, to share and facilitate the opening of the doors of consciousness for those seeking self-realization.
. Bachelor Degree as Behavior Analyst
. Master Degree as Work and Organization Psychologist
. Enrolled in PhD in Cognitive Anthropology
. deepWORK instructor in Budapest
. bodyART instructor in Budapest
. Firewalking Instructor certified by Firewalk Instructor Training - Soul of Firewalk in Tomar Potugal
· Ritual Trance Dance Facilitator certified by the International Trance Dance in Mafra Portugal
. Sweatlodge Keeper certified by Firewalk Instructor Training - Soul of Firewalk in Ericeira Potugal.
Rui Sebők Bizarro
Após vários anos de aprendizagem em Portugal, Espanha e noutras culturas como na selva amazónica do Brasil, Peru, E.U.A. e Índia, foi tocado por diferentes mestres e facilitadores que tanto o ensinaram e o facilitaram no seu processo de autoconhecimento e de transformação. A sua intenção é partilhar o que tem vindo a experienciar em si mesmo, ao longo da sua vida e poder contribuir para a realização do ser humano.
Fundador do Projeto Simplesmente em 2006, projeto com qual se dedica a dinamizar atividades ligadas ao desenvolvimento pessoal e transpessoal.
Vive em Tomar na Quinta de São José dos Montes desde 2012 desenvolvendo um Projeto de Turismo Rural e de Natureza, Quinta Pedagógica, Agricultura Biológica, Equitação Natural e Centro de Retiros e Formações.
· Licenciatura em Psicologia Social e do Trabalho;
. Mestrado em Psicologia da Saúde e Intervenção Comunitária;
· Facilitador de Respiração Holotrópica certificado pela Grof Transpersonal Training em New Mexico - E.U.A.
· Facilitador de Respiração Biodinâmica certificado pela Biodynamic Breath & Trauma Release em Pune - India
· Facilitador de Ritual Trance Dance certificado pelo Trance Dance International em Orval – Bélgica
. Líder de Meditação AUM certificado por Osho Humaniversity School for Masters na Holanda
. Líder de Meditações Ativas de Osho certificado por Osho Meditation Facilitator Training em Pune – India
. Líder de Meditações em Silêncio
. Instrutor de Firewalking certificado por Firewalk Instructor Training – Soul of Firewalk em Tomar Portugal
Quinta São José dos Montes - Tomar
Valores do Retiro:
Earlybird 160€ até 13 Fevereiro 2022 
Preço Regular a partir 14 Fevereiro 210€
Check In: 6ª feira às 17h – 18 Março
Check Out: Domingo às 17h – 20 Março
Valores do Alojamento (incluída alimentação para os 2 dias):
50€ Camping
90€ Dormitório
100€ Yurt partilhado
150€ Yurt individual
110 Quarto Partilhado com WC Partilhado
170€ Quarto Individual com WC Partilhado
190€ Quarto Individual com WC Privado
120€ Apartamento partilhado
190€ Apartamento individual
É necessário fazer Pré-Inscrição, sinalizando com 50% do valor total. 
Estes valores incluem o preço do Retiro, Alojamento e Alimentação entre 6ª feira às 17h a Domingo às 17h.
18-20 Março 2022
Informação e Contactos
+351 939 940 591
+351 917 935 392
(Projeto Simplesmente)
In this Retreat, Journey Into Your Heart, we focus on the heart of each person. Our approach meets this area of life, using tools such as dance, breathwork, bodywork, group dynamics, meditations in motion, cacau ceremony and sharing circles. Everything will make us feel and vibrate more deeply this aspect of our life: the heart, the center of our emotions and feelings towards life and the others.
Come celebrate with us these two days, allowing this work to contribute to your life as a new step into your personal development.
We start on Friday at the end of the day and finish on Sunday at the end of the day.
About Facilitatores
Krisztina Sebők Bizarro
Collecting professional experiences as working in multinational companies responsible for Human Resources and Organization Development, her deep interest has gradually been turned towards Transpersonal Development. 
Touched by the Sacred Medicines of the Amazon for some years, her intention became to follow the Shamanic Way of Life to realize her highest potential as a human being, to share and facilitate the opening of the doors of consciousness for those seeking self-realization.
. Bachelor Degree as Behavior Analyst
. Master Degree as Work and Organization Psychologist
. Enrolled in PhD in Cognitive Anthropology
. deepWORK instructor in Budapest
. bodyART instructor in Budapest
. Firewalking Instructor certified by Firewalk Instructor Training - Soul of Firewalk in Tomar Potugal
· Ritual Trance Dance Facilitator certified by the International Trance Dance in Mafra Portugal
. Sweatlodge Keeper certified by Firewalk Instructor Training - Soul of Firewalk in Ericeira Potugal.

Rui Sebők Bizarro
After several years of learning in Portugal, Spain and other cultures as the Amazon jungle of Brazil, Peru, USA and India, has been touched by different teachers, masters and facilitators whom so much taught and facilitated his process of self-knowledge and transformation. His intention is to share what has been experienced all over these years and to contribute for the self-realization of the human being.
Founder of Projeto SimplesMente in 2006, a project focused on the realization of activities related to personal and transpersonal development.
He is living in Portugal, Tomar at Quinta de São José dos Montes since 2012 developing different areas such as Agro-Tourism, Glamping, Organic Farm, Natural Horse Riding and Holistic Center.
· Degree in Social Psychology and Work;
. Master in Psychology of Health and Community Intervention;
· Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator certified by Grof Transpersonal Training in New Mexico - USA
· Biodynamic Breathwork Facilitator certified by Biodynamic Breath & Trauma Release in Pune - India
· Ritual Trance Dance Facilitator certified by the International Trance Dance in Orval - Belgium
. Leader of A.U.M. (Awerness Understanding Meditation) certified by Osho Humaniversity School for Masters in the Netherlands
. Osho Active Meditations leader certified by Osho Meditation Facilitator Training in Pune - India
. Leader of Meditation in Silence
. Firewalking Instructor certified by Firewalk Instructor Training - Soul of Firewalk in Tomar Potugal
Earlybird 160€ till February 13th  
Regular price 210€ after February 14th 
Check In: Friday 5pm – March 18th
Check Out: Sunday 5pm – March 20th
Plus Accommodation (included the meals):
50€ Camping
90€ Dorm
100€ Sharing Yurt 
150€ Individual Yurt 
110 Sharing Room with sharing toillet
170€ Individual Room with sharing toillet
190€ Individual Room with private toillet
120€ Sharing Apartment 
190€ Individual Apartment
To make the Registration we ask 50% of the total amount.
These rates include the price of the Retreat, Accommodation and Vegetarian Food.
Quinta São José dos Montes – Tomar
March 18th-20th 2022
Contacts and Info
939 940 591
917 935 392

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Projeto SimplesMente
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